Sunday, February 10, 2008

Super Dele-GATE

The race between Obama and the HillBillaries is neck and neck!

(Never mind, for just a moment, that there have been well documented reports of widespread voter fraud, voter suppression and general Diebold chicanery across the country most widely "reported" in New Hampshire, Nevada, California, New York and Louisiana. I put "reported" in "quotes" because the "MSM" is doing its usual "amazing" job of not reporting a single thing about it - check out,, or for details. It is clear in all these instances that the fraud has been overwhelmingly helping Mrs. Clinton cheat her way back into the White House)

So what looks to be shaping up as a coming-down-to-the-wire-every-last-delegate-counts race between these 2 has a very ominous fact lurking on the horizon:

The "SUPER delagates" will be the "people" who end up choosing the nominee for the donkey party.

Anyone unfamiliar with the concept? "Super delegates" essentially are party leaders and elected officials including former presidents who get to cast a vote that counts as an entire delegate. The precise math is very hard to figure out and varies from state to state but essentially it means their one vote is the equivalent of anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 people.

That's right.

Your own elected officials believe that they should have as much say about the candidate as 75,000 of the citizens.

If that isn't a crock of cow-sick-in-a-bag then I don't know what is.

But they are the chosen ones who slyly changed the rules for themselves back in the 60's to wield the power in order to prevent we the people from making a 'wrong' or 'radical' choice for the party.

And so, it will be in this election that the people will first be forced to realize what a tragedy this rule actually is when we come to discover that the person who ends up with more delegates from the people (Obama) will NOT be the candidate who gets on the ballot in November because, I predict, the Super D's will give the nod to Hillary. And we will all argue and blog and we will complain and whine and in the end nothing will change and we can look forward to at least 4 years of Mrs Clinton leading us further down the road of death, destruction and eroded rights.

There is NOTHING super about these delegates.


libhom said...

Superdelegates certainly should be abolished. They are offensive and undemocratic.

However, I don't think they will give Ms. Clinton the nomination. Obama is going to win nearly all of the remaining contests. He probably will have a majority of all delegates by the time of the convention. Even if he doesn't, the results of the primaries would make it politically impossible for the Democratic establishment to steal the nomination for Clinton.

If they did, the Green party would benefit tremendously and John "Keating Five" McCain would have an easy stroll to the White House.

Democracy Burlesque said...

Like the way you made it super deleGATE ... that was funny